Mental Health Books
Relying on my experience as an occupational therapist, I focus on constructing a meaningful quality of life using life skills that are effective and important for everybody while addressing and accommodating the needs unique to a bipolar disorder. I explore the intervention approaches of developing skills, modifying tasks, providing tools, modifying contexts, adapting environments, and developing task alternatives that allowed me to differentiate my diagnosis from my personality.
So I have a bipolar condition…now what? If you are like me, simply coping with the symptoms of the condition gets old. Living life in the paradigm of being sick gets old. So since we have a condition that is going to be with us for life, how do we live life without thinking we are sick all the time?
The pursuit of that question led me to the following conclusion: It is about building life skills, not coping with symptoms that lead to a fulfilling life.

Compass Recovery Coaching
Helping you tune into your own greatness so you can take the
steps needed to overcome mental obstacles and live your best life